Monday, September 21, 2015

Hello World!

Me dancing at a photoshoot

Hello Bloggers, 

My name is Agustina Buedo and I want to welcome you to The Delicacy of Dancing, my blog about dancing and everything that encompasses this beautiful expression of art. I am currently a junior at the University of Florida double-majoring in telecommunications-news and Spanish. I am also part of the Dazzlers dance team here at my school. After graduating I hope to become an entertainment reporter and perhaps a dance instructor just for fun.

Speaking of fun, to me, dancing is the funnest thing in the world. I started dancing when I was three years old and haven't stopped ever since. I trained professionally in jazz, lyrical, contemporary and ballet/pointe which was my favorite. When I was in 6th grade, I stopped studying other forms of dance and mainly focused on ballet and pointe.

Many people think dancing is an easy hobby and that anyone can do it but it takes more mental power and strength than people realize. Dancing requires you to be physically, mentally and emotionally active at all times. To be a dancer you must take care of yourself and your body on a daily basis in order to be successful. Many people think ballerinas should be stick think and shouldn't eat but eating is basically required in order to do well. The purpose of my blog is to help out dancers, as well as non-dancers, and inform people about what they can do to be at their physical and mental best shape. You don't have to be a dancer to be interested in what I'll be posting about which will include healthy habits, stretching, the importance of hydration, different styles of dance, performance tips, and even how to work out your brain! Yes, you can work out your brain in fun ways like by playing games or even with phone apps nowadays and this will help you for your dancing and just in general. Feel free to leave comments on topics you would like to hear about or if you want to add any information to my posts as well!
My audition picture for ballet intensives

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